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Some important points to keep in mind while buying the flat:
- Location of project
- Electricity and water supply
- Quality of construction
- Reputation of the developer
- Features and amenities
- Approvals
- Total cost of ownership
arpet Area is the area enclosed within the walls, actual area to lay the carpet. This area does not include the thickness of the inner walls. It is the actual used area of an apartment/office unit/showroom
Built-up Area is the carpet area plus the thickness of outer walls and the balcony.
Super Built-up Area is the built up area plus proportionate area of common areas such as the lobby, lifts shaft, stairs, etc. The plinth area along with a share of all common areas proportionately divided amongst all unit owners makes up the super built-up area. Sometimes it may also include the common areas such, swimming pool, garden, clubhouse, etc. This term is therefore only applicable in the case of multi-dwelling units.
Yes. It is important to inspect the property; probably this is the largest single investment you will ever make. You should know all the details of the property and need for any major repairs / modifications before you buy. You can crosscheck the commitment made by builder and actual implementation. A close inspection points out the positive aspects of the property, as well as the maintenance that will be necessary to keep it in good shape. After the inspection, you will have a much clearer understanding of the property you are about to purchase.
Few important points to check while inspecting…
- Plumbing systems, drainage, water faucets and sanitary fittings.
- Electrical systems, circuit breakers, wires, capacity of the electric meter, functioning of light fittings
- Roof, walls, ceilings, floors, paint work.
- Foundation, basement and visible structures.
- Doors and windows, latches, locks.
- Structural stability of the building.